Since I first posted my Taxonomy of Reflection in Jan 2010, I've seen it put to use many ways (including a financial reporting specialist). Yesterday Silvia Tolisano posted "Reflect…Reflecting…Reflection.." a thoughtful application of the model to elementary students. Beginning with "brainstorming vocabulary words ... that encourage reflection," she details the steps they followed with their students and includes some inspired reflective thinking by 2nd - 5th graders.
Of course once you start thinking reflectively, you realize that your school must become a more reflective community. For more on that subject see my Prezi "The Reflective School." Here's Silvia's take:
We needed to take a step back to become a reflective teacher- community before we could expect our students to become a reflective-learning community and our school a reflective school culture. We are starting to work towards that by making it an official theme that is running through all our Professional Development.
She concludes her post with "21st Century Learning Reflection" a great Vimeo that looks back on the evolving technology use in her school. I highly recommend her post, and be sure to contribute your ideas for supporting your reflective learning community.
Image credit: flickr/sarah-ji
Not Going To ISTE?
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image flickr/mohammadali