During this summer program students entering eighth grade were coached by an intern in ways to investigate and talk about the math in their lives. Here's the 4 strategies the students used:
1. Look for math in real life - Nic ponders the permutations in picking out his clothes.
2. Frame your experiences as word problems - Shanice eagerly monitors price changes in a coat she wants to buy. (Spoiler alert: she gets it!)
3. Try out different ways to solve problems. Nik crafts a way to determine his baseball batting average.
4. Explain and share your thinking. Shaniece describes what they do when one them gets stuck on a problem.
Watch the video to hear what they discovered in their own words. "I see math when I'm walking down the street.... I see math in myself."
For more information on the project click here.
Hat tip to Matt Karlsen
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